Bailee Liability Insurance

Bailee Liability Insurance is designed for organizations that handle clients' property for storage, repair, or servicing. Standard Commercial Property policies typically cover only the insured's property, and General Liability policies exclude coverage for damage to others' property in the insured’s care, custody, or control.

Bailee Liability Insurance provides tailored coverage to protect businesses from legal liabilities arising from the loss, damage, or theft of third-party property while it is in their possession.

Bailee Liability Insurance is essential for businesses or individuals temporarily holding others' property for specific purposes. Common businesses that require this insurance include:

  • Warehouses and distribution centers
  • Logistic companies
  • Self-storage operators
  • Banks with safe deposit boxes

This Policy covers the legal liability of the Insured for all direct, physical and accidental loss of or damage to property in the care, custody or control of the Insured:

  • Whilst on vehicles in the ordinary course of transit anywhere within the
  • Policy Territory specified in the Schedule hereto;
  • Whilst kept in storage in the warehouse or warehouses operated by
  •  The Insured at the locations specified in the Schedule hereto;
  • During loading and unloading at such named warehouses and/or at customers’ premises and/or at any premises / locations as per Contract of Carriage.


occurring during the Period of Insurance and in connection with the Insured’s Business or Occupation stated in the Schedule.

Choosing PPI for Bailee Liability Insurance offers several benefits:

  • Comprehensive protection
  • Cost savings
  • Streamlined claims handling
  • Tailored coverage to meet the specific needs of businesses that hold others' property


Consulting with an insurance professional can help assess specific needs and determine the best insurance package for your business.

To file a claim under a Bailee Liability Insurance policy with PPI, follow these steps:

1. Notify PPI Immediately: Contact PPI as soon as you become aware of any loss, damage, or the ft of property in your care.

2. Document the Incident: Provide detailed documentation of the incident, including photographs, witness statements, and any other relevant information.

3. Submit a Claim Form: Complete and submit the claim form provided by PPI. Ensure all required information and supporting documents are included.

4. Cooperate with the Investigation: Cooperate fully with PPI's claims adjuster during the

investigation process. This may include providing additional information or access to the

damaged property.

5. Settlement: Once the investigation is complete, PPI will process the claim and provide a

settlement based on the terms of the policy.

The claim form required to file a claim under the Bailee Liability Insurance policy with PPI should include the following information:

  • Policyholder's details (name, address, contact information)
  • Description of the incident (date, time, location, and nature of the loss or damage)
  • Details of the property affected (description, value, and ownership)
  • Supporting documentation (photographs, receipts, repair estimates, etc.)
  • Witness statements (if applicable)


Ensure all sections of the claim form are completed accurately and thoroughly to facilitate a smooth claims process.


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