Personal Accident Insurance

Whether accidents are common, due to known risks associated with equipment and techniques, or unpredictable due to a unique situation, every business in Cambodia needs to consider the likelihood of injury to employees. The safety of staff is a priority, and is usually the first policy we create with businesses, even before crucial coverage like Fire & Business Interruption Insurance and General Third Party Liability Insurance.The perils of ignoring the need for personal accident insurance are widely known. Compared to a prudent and affordable policy, an injury to an employee could lead to compensation and legal costs that far outweigh the cost of accident cover.That’s why this is the core product for most company employee benefit schemes here in Cambodia, and is usually tailor-made to fit the individual company’s requirements for death, disablement and medical expenses following an accident. It is usually taken out in conjunction with a group health scheme covering medical expenses arising from illness.Our business insurance team is happy to discuss the needs of your organisation and tailor the right policy to meet your requirements. PPI Insurance can arrange for individual, family or large group schemes, including hazardous occupations.The basic cover is for death, disablements and medical expenses following such accidents.

  • Age limit 0 to 65, children aged 30 days onwards
  • Worldwide 24/7

  • Drowning 
  • Food poisoning
  • Murder and assault
  • Motorcycling
  • Disappearance
  • Insect, snakes, vermin and animal bites, including Malaria and Dengue Fever as result of insect bite
  • Winter sports (for leisure purpose only)
  • Exposure to natural elements
  • Suffocation through smoke, fume and poisonous gas
  • Road Ambulance USD 150.00 per any one accident and in the policy period

  • Sabotage, war and terrorism
  • Dangerous sport activities
  • Engaging in aviation other than as a passenger in an aircraft 
  • Committing or attempting to commit suicide or intentionally inflicting self-injury or from the Insured’s own criminal act or being under the influence of drugs or being under the influence of alcohol whilst driving a motor vehicle/cycle 
  • Childbirth or pregnancy notwithstanding that such event may have been accelerated or induced by accident
  • Illegal and criminal activities
  • Death or disablement resulting from any kind of illness
  • Radioactive/nuclear energy risks 

Personal accident is one of our most popular products and we have considerable expertise in this field. Our own medical doctor also assists us in this regard. As our cover is worldwide 24/7, our International Network of Assistance Partners are ready and able to assist our clients.
We pay claims quickly. Our claims documentation and handling is very efficient even where there is a death claim involved.

Our team can assist you to tailor make your individual or group requirements and enjoy the most competitive premiums. 


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© People & Partners Insurance Plc.